
 tapping tutorial

WOW! You've already got to tapping, you are an amazing guitar player.

(Warning)-[If you havnt learned hammer on and pull off do so before doing this tutorial]

Alright now that we that out of the way lets get to tapping. Tapping is very similar to playing notes, you just dont pluck your strings, which allows you to build speed and make faster solos, songs, etc, and more.

Now in this tutorial you will learn = Tapping]]Pulloff Tap]HammerOn-Pulloff Tapping]and]Tap Bending. So this will be quite an adventure for the both of us.

Now first you'll want to pick up your guitar.

Now you can tap with your pick or your fingers it doesnt matter, whatever is more comfortable with you.

Now secondly get in your playing position and get your plucking hand and with your pick tap the (B) string (The second skinniest one) and tap the 7th fret, just hit it with your pick (or finger). Now get comfortable with tapping that. Its like a hammer on but your not plucking your just using your picking hand. So when you are using both your hands you can do both, Tap and Hammer On. Cool eh?

making a simple tune

Now that you can do the simple tap lets make a little tune.

Get in the playing position.

And get your picking hand, and tap these frets on (B).

The 7th Fret] The 8th Fret] and then the 10th fret].

Now get used to that. Do it about 10 times and then get faster and do it another 10.

Do this until you hit 50 times.

So then you'll have gained the speed 5x faster than you did.

The tap Pulloff

Ok now that you've done your tune, lets build it up with a tap hammer on. The cooler your taps the better your songs.

Ok so with using that tune in the last box lets add some hammer ons to it.

Ok so first get your noting finger (the one you use for hammer ons and pull offs etc.)

And press on to 3rd Fret on (B)String

Now leave that finger there, (make sure its pressing on to it like your going to pluck it)

Now tap the 7th fret, and pull it.

Now doing that it should make you tap the 7th fret to the 3rd because when you tapped the 7th fret, it made that note and then when you pulled it, it should of made the 3rd frets note.

So now you can do the Tap Pull Off, do the tune you learned in the last box, and do the same thing that we just taught you, but with 8th fret tap, and 10th fret tap.

Now you should have a simple Pulloff Tap Tune.

Build the speed up like you did in the last box. 5x.

Making a lead guitar tune

Ok now that you have that over with.

Lets make a lead tune with the Tap Pull off. Below you there should be a video of this Lead Tune.

Tap bend

This is a very simple one.

Get your plucking finger, Tap any fret, Hold it down when you tap that fret, then bend it.

Lol wasnt that easy? Practice Practice Practice.


WOW! Your done already, this means you know the 3 main ways of tapping!

Go ahead and put the stuff together that you learned in this tutorial and make a tune with it or a lead solo. The things you could with with tapping, its amazing isnt it?

Remember, You can only get better


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