


Hey! Welcome to the new page of!!!! wait for it.... wait for it.... HAMMER ONS AND PULL OFFS! Here you will learn the best ways of how to hammer on and pull off on the guitar. On this page we will supply you beginner rock stars to videos, tabs, and even MORE!

After your done with this page, you will have mastered the hammer on and the pull off to make killer shreads, songs, solo's, scales, and more! LETS SEE WHAT WE HAVE

Step 1

Lets check out how the Hammer-on and Pull-off works shall we?

Below you should have a video to watch================================

step 2

OK! Great you back! Wow it seems that guy really showed you how to hammer on and pull off, GREAT! You are getting better already. Now that you can do it, lets try some exercises from the listed videos below. These videos will teach you 3 diffrent ways to get faster at Hammer Ons and Pull Offs! Only just a little to go until your shredding!!!

- Thanks Jessica (Member Of MMG) for suppling us with that video -

Lets get that pinky bulked up! Heres a video -Supplied by Jessica- on how to strengthen your pinky with hammer ons and pull offs its very simple so check it out!


Ok now that your pinky is tougher from practicing a little bit, lets look at the exercersises on Hammer Ons And Pull Offs!

Video 1 -Supplied By Aleister, And made by GuitarbyRon-

Heres a shredding lesson -Supplied By MMG- To show you how to do a very simple hammer on and pull off lick! From how good you've gotten sense the beginning MMG thinks your READY!

-Supplied By MMG Community, And 1 main member-

Sorry for no sound. Its hypercam'd


YOUR DONE! You've finally gotten down the hammer on and pull off! With the help of MMG 4 main members and our community! Now your pinky is tougher, you know the way of hammer ons and pull offs, its time to makes some shreds, songs, solo's and more!

Now if your saying "I just dont think I got it down yet" Go over the tutorial again and keep doing the exercises! You'll just get better.

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