
 the way of MMG

Welcome! You've entered the MMG  annual Chord Chart learners! This is where you will learn chords so EASY from a simple chart. Theres no cost in it no downloads just a look at a picture! You will learn scales, chords, and even notes! MMG gives the satisfaction of learning guitar like a pro! Soon you will be on a stage rocking with your crazy chords, notes, scales, speed and more! At MMG you will learn how to gain speed and learn way way more! Lets start! Scroll down to see how to read chord charts!

How To read chord charts

 As you can see below a chord chart.

Now you might be thinking, wow this looks hard! ( NO ) its not hard at all! lets take a look at what we have here


Lets start off with the C chord.

Now see those black dots? that is where you will put your fingers.

Now the lines going Left and Right are the frets the top Left and Right line is the nut. That is that thing right before the first fret. And the little spaces are where you put your fingers.

The lines going up and down the the strings. 

===============          <--------- This top line is the nut

|-----|------|-----|-----|----|              < ---------- This is the first fret

|-----|------|-----|-----|----|-               <-------------- The second fret

|-----|------|-----|-----|----|-                  <--------------- The third fret

|-----|------|-----|-----|----|-                     < -------------- The fourth fret

|-----|------|-----|-----|----|                         < -------------- And the fifth fret

^    ^      ^    ^     ^    ^   

E   A    D   G     B   e  


Those are the strings. The capital E is the thickest string

The lower case e is the skinniest string.  From ( high e) to ( low E ) So if there is a dot on one of those strings you put your finger on that string and in between the fret.







So its like a guitar neck. Going up

Now in the picture above us ( not below ) the | lines are the strings going up the neck.

Pretty simple eh? So in the picture below us the black dots ( your fingers) are on those line going up! That means you put your finger on that string

So now you know what the lines and frets are.

So see in the diagram below

On the C chord.

There is a dot on the A string that is the second one from Low E

Then you see one on the D string

And then the B string.



Now if you count the spaces the dots are between that is what fret you put it on...

So the B String is played on fret 1 in the diagram below

The D string is played on fret 2 on the diagram below

And on the A string it is played on fret 3




Now in the diagram above us. ( the real chord chart ) you might see little circles right above the nut. Now you might be saying what is that? Well ill tell you.

Now that little circle is the open. That means you do not put a finger on that string or fret. You just play it open.

                         YES! You've learned how to read chord charts!!

Now get back to your studio and jam out those chords!

You may print this page out if you need. Or just the chord chart.



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